Agatha Christie: Author Missing!

Celebrity gossip didn't just start with the internet. Read what happened to this famous author almost a century ago.

Agatha Christie (1890−1976) was a British mystery writer. Her most popular creations are Miss Jane Marple and Hercule Poirot. Miss Marple has a strange habit of being around when a body is found, and Poirot is a private detective called in to investigate murders. Fans of Masterpiece Mystery on PBS know these two characters well. So do millions of other people around the world. Her book, Murder on the Orient Express, has been made into two movies, the more recent in 2017. Christie’s novels have sold more than 2 billion copies and been translated into over 100 languages. But Christie didn’t just write mysteries; she lived a mystery of her own. Read the following story to find out about her real-life mystery.

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